Rejuvenation of waterbodies at JNPA

The port is located at Sheva foot hill. The port has water bodies, one is located at Sheva temple, Sheva foothill and near CPP plaza. The water bodies are filled with rain water and remain wetted for entire season. In order to preserve these water bodies, the present proposal is considered in view of green port initiative. In order to encouraging green projects in port area, it is decided to take up the work of rejuvenation of existing water bodies which are located at Sheva temple, Sheva foothill and near CPP plaza. The Ministry of Port, shipping and waterways also included this project part of National Action Plan for climate change. And included in MIV 2030.

The project addresses the need to rejuvenate stagnant water bodies not only because water is a precious resource but also because of the enhanced ecological value it gives the surrounding environment. Rejuvenation of the water bodies benefits several components of the rich biodiversity of this area of JNPA like the birds, butterflies, flora and fauna that depend on this water resource, besides attraction tourists.

This project will resolves associated with stagnant water like mosquito menace, eutrophication problems due to excessive algal growth, and dominance of invasive species leading to the deterioration of a precious resource.

Due to this project the area becomes a better place with healthy growth of flora and fauna thereby contributing to the biodiversity and becomes a good environmental retreat for the residents as well as visitors to this place.

1.    The project involves Bioengineering techniques for the rejuvenation of the water bodies. This methodology revolves around the basic principles of allowing an ecosystem to function as naturally as possible. Ecological Base maps are generated to analyse the environmental characteristics of the catchment area of each water body

2.    Any possible point and non-point sources of pollution into the water are addressed. These are eliminated using Green Eco measures like Gabion walls, retention bunds, Green bridges coir matts coir rolls, GCL liners. Concrete and RCC is completely avoided. Any use of non-biodegradable material is avoided 

3.    The inflow and outflow /overflow of water is revived through the surface flow analysis of the landform topography and vegetation cover around the water body

4.    The water body edges are restored such that the inflow and subsurfacial flows of the surrounding water remains intact allowing a natural breathing edge to the waterbody

5.    The natural stone edges and gabions allow the ecosystem to thrive naturally. they provide the microorganisms and water fauna a good breeding and roosting space.

6.    The surrounding catchment is revived by removing the invasive species and replanting indigenous trees, shrubs, and ground covers.

7.    Cluster plantation techniques that involves a five tier species selection considering the indigenous plant associations.

8.    Beautification of the surrounding is based on the natural characteristics of the area allowing free movement as well as facilitating an aesthetically designed space for the visitors, locals as well as the residents of the place.

         Beautification of the surrounding is based on the natural characteristics of the area allowing free movement as well as facilitating an aesthetically designed space for the visitors, locals as well as the residents of the place. Rejuvenation of the water bodies benefits several components of the rich biodiversity of this area of JNPA like the birds, butterflies, flora and fauna that depend on this water resource.


Water Rejuvenation Project in JNPA